Monday, August 9, 2021

Verb and adverb blog

 Hello guys i'm going to talk to you about my verb and adverb sheets we had to do them online and it was fun i'll show you a picture of all of them.

They were all very easy it took me like 5 minutes to finish them all or maybe even less!.

Verb 1 

Verb 2 

Well thank you for looking at my blog

Friday, August 6, 2021

Circle ancient olympic facts

Hello I am Raphael and i am here to talk about my circle olympics chart 


Well thats all have a good day

Monday, August 2, 2021

NZ map

Today in Wananga we labeled places in NZ

population of some places 

  • Christchurch : 381,500
  • Wellington: 212,700
  • All of south island: 1.038 mil
  • All of North island: 3.896 mil
Facts about our oceans

  • The Pacific ocean is the biggest ocean in the world.
  • There is alot of storms in the Tasman sea
  • The South pacific covers up 30% of Earth's surface.
And that's all, have a good day.