Thursday, December 9, 2021

Hokey pokey


I want to find out  how to make Honeycombe


Hokey poke


  • Sugar 5 teaspoons of sugar
  • baking soda half a tsp
  • 2 teaspoons of golden syrup
  • pot
  • Bunsen burner/stove
  • spatula
  • baking paper

  1. Get your equipment
  2. Wash your hands
  3. Add your sugar  and golden syrup to your pot
  4. Grab your Bunsen burner
  5. Set up your Gauze mat
  6. Use a blue flame
  7. Melt then boil the sugar.
  8. Turn off gas
  9. Add baking soda and mix
  10. Tip out the Honeycombe on the baking paper
  11. Let it cool
  12. Clean up your equipment


Friday, December 3, 2021

Milk plastic


I want to learn how to make plastic out of milk


  • Bunsen burner
  • 200 ml cup
  • Milk
  • Measuring cylindar
  • A pot or Microwavable container
  • White vinegar(20 ml)
  • Paper towels
  • spoon(Or a stirring rod)
  • mug(or you can use a clean Beaker)
  • Funnel

  1. Get your equipment
  2. Pour 200ml cup of milk onto a container 
  3. Heat the milk with a stove or a microwave till its steaming hot (im using a bunsen burner)
  4. Add 20ml of White Vinegar to a Measuring cylindar 
  5. Add the White vinegar to the Beaker with the milk in it
  6. Stir it with a spoon(or you can use a Stirring rod) 
  7. put a paper towel on the funnel and pour the curds into the funnel and wait until all of the water drains(put it over the sink)
  8. Stack 4 paper towels on the surface and make sure it is safe to get damp
  9. Fold the paper towels over the curd and press down to take out the liquid
  10. Kneed the curd together to make a ball
  11. Colour Shape or mold the dough as much as you like
  12. Once your done molding and creating the thing you like you can put it on a paper towel and leave it to dry overnight
(It is optional to colour or glitter the milk before it dries)


pH Colours

 I want to find out what the colours of pH are;



  • Acid- Hydrochloric Acid
  • Base- Sodium Hydroxide
  • Test Tube Rack with test tubes
  • Universal Indicater
  1. Get your equipment
  2. Put ten drops of Universal Indicator in a test tube
  3. Add different amounts of acid and base to the test tube to get the colour you need
  4. Whatch what happens to the colour

Ginger beer


I want to find out how to brew ginger beer.




  • ginger
  • disposable cup
  • water
  • teaspoon and tablespoon
  • lemon juice
  • yeast
  • sugar
  1. Get your equipment.
  2. Put your name on a disposable cup, preferrably plastic.
  3. Put half a teaspoon of ginger into the cup.
  4. Add half a cup of water into the cup.
  5. Add one tablespoon of sugar into the cup.
  6. Mix with a spoon.
  7. Add 5 drops of lemon juice to the cup.
  8. Taste it and adjust the flavour to perfection.
  9. Add 1/4 of a teaspoon of yeast.
  10. Let it brew for a week.

Results:it tastes like poop i hate it


What is fermentation:

Yeast eats the sugar and it excretes out Alcohol and makes carbon dioxide.

What are the best conditions for brewing?

A good temperature for brewing is 60-70 degrees

Wednesday, November 24, 2021

Healthy eating

 Hello, today we are talking about health and the subject we are talking about is healthy eating

Bronx and I did the same slide and we finished late but we got to finish it. At the end I got lazy and in the ingredients I just typed in "it literally says it in the name"(if you want to know what it was it was butter and toast). Bronx and I are a really good team, my teacher should let us sit together all the time. Well anyways we had to include grains, protein, carbs, dairy, fat, veges and fruit so overall I enjoyed it. It is really important to eat the right foods so you can grow into the person you are if you don't then you might end up something you don't want to be.

Thank you for looking at my blog and have a good day.

Tuesday, November 9, 2021

Myths and Legends

 Hello today we will be talking about one of my assignments and we also have to do a blog so here it is!

We had to make a poster for someone to slow the sun down if Maui didn't slow it down and not gonna lie I think I did pretty good here take a look.

Look is this good? well anyways if it is comment on my blog and I hope you have an amazing day!

Friday, November 5, 2021



I want to find out how to make Sherbet out of Raro.




  • Small cup
  • paper ( we used paper you could use
  • Baking powder
  • Citric acid
  •  Popsicle stick you could also use a tablespoon
  • flavored powder of your choice ( we chose raro)

  1. Get your equipment
  2. Get your bowl or anything that can keep the ingredients in
  3. Then put your ingredients in and mix try to make it a really good sherbet
  4. taste it.


Why did it foam?

The Sherbet Foams because when mixing baking soda and citrus acid it creates carbon dioxide, then the gas comes out of the sherbet when it goes in your mouth it fizzes up