Friday, June 25, 2021

Skittle Colours


I want to find out what happens when you put skittles in water.



  • Skittles 8x
  • Warm water
  • Petri dish
  • Beaker
  • paper towel

  1. .Get your equipment
  2. Put the skittles into the Petri dish
  3. Spread them around the sides
  4. Clean beaker.
  5. Gently pour the water into the middle of the Petri dish so that is is half full
  6. Observe what happens
Results:The colours took off on the skittles when the warm water striked it i think that the colours went out it couldnt go anywhere else but the middle so then it started reaching the middle wich made this awesome effect 

Skittles Experiment - Candy Science for Kids
Why did the colour move the way it did?:
The warm water made the sugar and colouring to dissolve through the water,the reason it didnt mix was because of the water stratisfication

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