Tuesday, July 6, 2021

Shape up / geometry

 Kio ra today i am going to be talking about my Hurumanu 3 Shaping up There are alot of options to pick from but i am only going to pick my top three best subjects of shaping up


Nets was probably my favourite one Because you had to choose what 3d shape it was.It was really easy for me and i enjoyed it alot my favourite part of it was this activity where you had to choose what was the right net to make a 3d shape.

Reflection was a really easy but pretty enjoying subject we had to tell wich was a rotation a translation and a reflection translation is just a slide rotation turning reflection is just looking at a mirror overall a fun and simple topic.


This was probably the hardest one for me but it wasnt that hard the only obstacle i went through was the NZ scale the NZ scale was a little difficult for me but there is nothing i cant handle and another thing i did was the maps the maps were just directions on where to go we had to finish 6 maps (excluding the AWS map worksheet).

Thank you for looking at my blog i wish you a wonderful day!.

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