Friday, July 9, 2021

Mentos and Coke


I want to learn what happens when you put Mentos in Coke.



I want to learn what happens when you put Mentos in Coke.




  • Coke,Coke no sugar, sprite
  • Mint mentos
  • Detergent
  • Beakers
  • Safety glasses
  • Measuring cylindar

  1. Get your Equipment
  2. Put on your safety glasses 
  3. Get your measuring cylindar 
  4. pour 30 ml of coke into the measuring cylindar
  5. Grab your beaker and detergent
  6. Add 10 ml of detergent
  7. Grab mentos and put the mentos in the coke/detergent
  8. do this three times with the coke/coke no sugar/sprite
Coke,It was 30 ml now its up to 56 ml

Coke no sugar it was 30 ml now it is 65 ml

Sprite, It was 30ml now it is 73 ml
this was the result


Reason why all the bubbles come up
when the mentos sinks in the coke the mentos makes makes the production faster and more carbon dioxide kicks in and if you look in a microscope there are acually little microscopic bumps and makes the mentos breaks easier and makes it more dense thats why when it is crushed up there is less of a production.

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