Friday, October 29, 2021

Blind Taste Testing


I want to find out if food tastes differently when you cant see or when you cant smell.




  • Blind fold
  • Mystery food

  1. Get your equipment.
  2. Wash your hands.
  3. Put on a Blindfold.
  4. Put your hand out and pinch your nose.
  5. Eat the food and guess what it is.
  6. Release your nose and taste the food
  7. Where does the food react on your tongue

Food #1.
Sugar (while pinching nose it tasted like nothing)
Food #2
Salt (while pinching could taste it)
Food #3
Baking powder (while pinching i wanted to barf)
Citric acid(DISGUSTING)
Sour gummy(taste like gummy)
Burger ring(couldn't really taste)
Dry marshmallow(it was dry)
Gummy bear(i could taste it)
Pear(couldn't taste it when i pinched my nose)
dairy milk Chocolate(i actually couldn't taste it
Lemon Rind(AAAAAA)

Is there a difference between blocked and unblocked nose taste?
Why?  yes there is because the smell of the 

Did the sweet, bitter, salt, tastes react on different parts of your tongue?

Thursday, October 28, 2021

Gymnastics blog term 4

 Hello this is a blog about what i have learned in gymnastics

When i first did gymnastics i was gonna think it was gonna be bad but as i got to do it more often it was pretty easy the first thing i learned was on the mini tramp i did a straight jump first it was really easy i also learned to do a tuck jump and a jump half turn.

 The next thing i learned was on the big trampoline i only learned a front drop on it.I didn't learn anything on the parallel bars because i suck at it.

Same as the floor i really didn't get to do much but i got one thing done a forward roll very basic but i am still proud of it.

My next thing i accomplished was on the beam i did a blind walk it took a little bit but i still did it not gonna lie it was pretty scary doing it.

And the last thing i learned was on the horizontal bar i did a front roll on the bar it hurt my abdomen but it was worth it because i learned it.

I didn't give up and in the end it was really fun that just shows that the more you practice the better you get thank you for listening to my blog and i hope you have a good day goodbye!.

also here is my gym sheet :here

My gym sheet is about what i could do and learn the green highlight is what i learned and the ticks that have no green is what i have already known it has all the stuff you need to know on how i did.

Thursday, October 21, 2021

Hot Chilli


I want to find out how to cool down your tongue after heating a hot chilli.




  • Hot Chilli sauce
  • Popsicle stick
  • Drinks-Soda,Water,Milk
  • Timer
  1. Get your equipment ready.
  2. Get a drop of hot sauce on your popsicle stick or a scoop.
  3. Lick the Hot Chilli sauce.
  4. (optional)Swirl the Hot Chilli sauce around your mouth if you are brave enough.
  5. Start the timer.
  6. After two minuts,drink your drink and swirl it around.
  7. After five minutes,rate how hot your mouth is.
  8. Repeat but with a different drink.

  • The first chilli was a ten 
  • The Second time.I had the water after the chilli after 4 min i scored it a 10 for burning because i think the water actually spreaded around.

  • the third time.I had coke and it actually helped i give it a 5 for burning i think because of the carbonation
  • The fourth.I had milk and it really helped i rate it a three because the milk has fat in it and the fat in the milk dissolves the spices.

Why does chilli burn your mouth: because chilli contains something called capsaicin it is a chemical in the chilli it burns your tongue because capsaicin comes in contact with your pain receptors.

What is a Scoville unit?
A Scoville unit measures how much pure capsaicin is in the pepper or sauce.

Why does milk help with chilli?
Milk helps with chilli because the fat in the milk dissolves the spices on your taste buds.

Hands on fire.


I want to find out how to light my hands on fire safely



  • Lighter
  • Water
  • Gas
  • Tray
  • Hose
  • liquid
  • safety glasses
  1. Get equipment ready
  2. Fill tray with water
  3. Put liquid soap on the tray
  4. Gently mix
  5. Connect the hose to the gas tap
  6. Turn gas on and make bubbles of gas 
  7. Wear safety glasses
  8. Wet your hands and arms with water
  9. Scoop the bubbles with too hands not to deep and not to high just in the middle
  10. Take two steps forward
  11. Hold the bubbles as far away from your face as you can
  12. Light the bubbles on fire
Dont panic and slowly open your hands (because if you panic you might start a fire)

I saw a mushroom cloud
I heard a big whoosh
I smelt burning hair and oil
I felt heat all over my hands and my brain was amazed!

Kiwi facts Uncle Don.

Ki ora here are some awesome facts about kiwi.

 A Kiwi is a brown spherical bird with a long beak and nostrils at the end of its nose. It has tiny wings but cant fly. It also has feathers that look like fur and whiskers just like a Cat and can live up to 25-50 years. It weighs 0.8 1.9 kg and female kiwis usually weigh more.

It is an endangered animal because it can’t defend itself very well.

 It has three main predators Stoats,Cats and Deer; their eggs only have a 5% chance of living because of their predators.

Kiwis are mostly nocturnal and hunt in the night. They are omnivores which means they eat meat and plants. Their favourite food is worms just like most birds.

Well I hope you liked it I previously made a poster here take a look

Monday, October 18, 2021

Henri Rousseau

 Kio ra today we will be learning about Henri Rousseau

The Dream by Rousseau Painting by Henri Rousseau

This painting from Henri Rousseau is one of the most famous paintings he made it was made in 1910 which was made 111 years ago it is a oil painting.

1.None has ever told him he is talented.

2.Henri loves nature that is why his backgrounds of paintings are filled with nature.

3.He is in poverty so he could never do anything too expensive like go on trips or buy prints.

4.He made a painting called dream.

5.Piccaso has made a banquet for Henri.

Sadly Henri didnt become famous till he was old so he had some time to live in fame but he didnt have much time.

Well thank you for looking at the blog i hope you have an amazing day and goodbye!