Thursday, October 28, 2021

Gymnastics blog term 4

 Hello this is a blog about what i have learned in gymnastics

When i first did gymnastics i was gonna think it was gonna be bad but as i got to do it more often it was pretty easy the first thing i learned was on the mini tramp i did a straight jump first it was really easy i also learned to do a tuck jump and a jump half turn.

 The next thing i learned was on the big trampoline i only learned a front drop on it.I didn't learn anything on the parallel bars because i suck at it.

Same as the floor i really didn't get to do much but i got one thing done a forward roll very basic but i am still proud of it.

My next thing i accomplished was on the beam i did a blind walk it took a little bit but i still did it not gonna lie it was pretty scary doing it.

And the last thing i learned was on the horizontal bar i did a front roll on the bar it hurt my abdomen but it was worth it because i learned it.

I didn't give up and in the end it was really fun that just shows that the more you practice the better you get thank you for listening to my blog and i hope you have a good day goodbye!.

also here is my gym sheet :here

My gym sheet is about what i could do and learn the green highlight is what i learned and the ticks that have no green is what i have already known it has all the stuff you need to know on how i did.

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