Thursday, October 21, 2021

Kiwi facts Uncle Don.

Ki ora here are some awesome facts about kiwi.

 A Kiwi is a brown spherical bird with a long beak and nostrils at the end of its nose. It has tiny wings but cant fly. It also has feathers that look like fur and whiskers just like a Cat and can live up to 25-50 years. It weighs 0.8 1.9 kg and female kiwis usually weigh more.

It is an endangered animal because it can’t defend itself very well.

 It has three main predators Stoats,Cats and Deer; their eggs only have a 5% chance of living because of their predators.

Kiwis are mostly nocturnal and hunt in the night. They are omnivores which means they eat meat and plants. Their favourite food is worms just like most birds.

Well I hope you liked it I previously made a poster here take a look

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