Thursday, December 9, 2021

Hokey pokey


I want to find out  how to make Honeycombe


Hokey poke


  • Sugar 5 teaspoons of sugar
  • baking soda half a tsp
  • 2 teaspoons of golden syrup
  • pot
  • Bunsen burner/stove
  • spatula
  • baking paper

  1. Get your equipment
  2. Wash your hands
  3. Add your sugar  and golden syrup to your pot
  4. Grab your Bunsen burner
  5. Set up your Gauze mat
  6. Use a blue flame
  7. Melt then boil the sugar.
  8. Turn off gas
  9. Add baking soda and mix
  10. Tip out the Honeycombe on the baking paper
  11. Let it cool
  12. Clean up your equipment


Friday, December 3, 2021

Milk plastic


I want to learn how to make plastic out of milk


  • Bunsen burner
  • 200 ml cup
  • Milk
  • Measuring cylindar
  • A pot or Microwavable container
  • White vinegar(20 ml)
  • Paper towels
  • spoon(Or a stirring rod)
  • mug(or you can use a clean Beaker)
  • Funnel

  1. Get your equipment
  2. Pour 200ml cup of milk onto a container 
  3. Heat the milk with a stove or a microwave till its steaming hot (im using a bunsen burner)
  4. Add 20ml of White Vinegar to a Measuring cylindar 
  5. Add the White vinegar to the Beaker with the milk in it
  6. Stir it with a spoon(or you can use a Stirring rod) 
  7. put a paper towel on the funnel and pour the curds into the funnel and wait until all of the water drains(put it over the sink)
  8. Stack 4 paper towels on the surface and make sure it is safe to get damp
  9. Fold the paper towels over the curd and press down to take out the liquid
  10. Kneed the curd together to make a ball
  11. Colour Shape or mold the dough as much as you like
  12. Once your done molding and creating the thing you like you can put it on a paper towel and leave it to dry overnight
(It is optional to colour or glitter the milk before it dries)


pH Colours

 I want to find out what the colours of pH are;



  • Acid- Hydrochloric Acid
  • Base- Sodium Hydroxide
  • Test Tube Rack with test tubes
  • Universal Indicater
  1. Get your equipment
  2. Put ten drops of Universal Indicator in a test tube
  3. Add different amounts of acid and base to the test tube to get the colour you need
  4. Whatch what happens to the colour

Ginger beer


I want to find out how to brew ginger beer.




  • ginger
  • disposable cup
  • water
  • teaspoon and tablespoon
  • lemon juice
  • yeast
  • sugar
  1. Get your equipment.
  2. Put your name on a disposable cup, preferrably plastic.
  3. Put half a teaspoon of ginger into the cup.
  4. Add half a cup of water into the cup.
  5. Add one tablespoon of sugar into the cup.
  6. Mix with a spoon.
  7. Add 5 drops of lemon juice to the cup.
  8. Taste it and adjust the flavour to perfection.
  9. Add 1/4 of a teaspoon of yeast.
  10. Let it brew for a week.

Results:it tastes like poop i hate it


What is fermentation:

Yeast eats the sugar and it excretes out Alcohol and makes carbon dioxide.

What are the best conditions for brewing?

A good temperature for brewing is 60-70 degrees

Wednesday, November 24, 2021

Healthy eating

 Hello, today we are talking about health and the subject we are talking about is healthy eating

Bronx and I did the same slide and we finished late but we got to finish it. At the end I got lazy and in the ingredients I just typed in "it literally says it in the name"(if you want to know what it was it was butter and toast). Bronx and I are a really good team, my teacher should let us sit together all the time. Well anyways we had to include grains, protein, carbs, dairy, fat, veges and fruit so overall I enjoyed it. It is really important to eat the right foods so you can grow into the person you are if you don't then you might end up something you don't want to be.

Thank you for looking at my blog and have a good day.

Tuesday, November 9, 2021

Myths and Legends

 Hello today we will be talking about one of my assignments and we also have to do a blog so here it is!

We had to make a poster for someone to slow the sun down if Maui didn't slow it down and not gonna lie I think I did pretty good here take a look.

Look is this good? well anyways if it is comment on my blog and I hope you have an amazing day!

Friday, November 5, 2021



I want to find out how to make Sherbet out of Raro.




  • Small cup
  • paper ( we used paper you could use
  • Baking powder
  • Citric acid
  •  Popsicle stick you could also use a tablespoon
  • flavored powder of your choice ( we chose raro)

  1. Get your equipment
  2. Get your bowl or anything that can keep the ingredients in
  3. Then put your ingredients in and mix try to make it a really good sherbet
  4. taste it.


Why did it foam?

The Sherbet Foams because when mixing baking soda and citrus acid it creates carbon dioxide, then the gas comes out of the sherbet when it goes in your mouth it fizzes up

Wednesday, November 3, 2021

Reflection of art 2021

 Hello I am Raphael and i am here to talk about what i did in art

Firstly we had to try to replicate a drawing of Henri Rousseau's art it was really hard for me to do it but for some other people it was a cake walk.

Another thing is that it is usually chill here so I can just watch facts after I finish my work my work is really really bad but the teacher is nice and she likes my blogs so i am pretty grateful for that.

The last thing is that painting is really really cool its another way to express your feelings so that is why i like art.

Thank you for listening i hope you have a good day and good bye

Friday, October 29, 2021

Blind Taste Testing


I want to find out if food tastes differently when you cant see or when you cant smell.




  • Blind fold
  • Mystery food

  1. Get your equipment.
  2. Wash your hands.
  3. Put on a Blindfold.
  4. Put your hand out and pinch your nose.
  5. Eat the food and guess what it is.
  6. Release your nose and taste the food
  7. Where does the food react on your tongue

Food #1.
Sugar (while pinching nose it tasted like nothing)
Food #2
Salt (while pinching could taste it)
Food #3
Baking powder (while pinching i wanted to barf)
Citric acid(DISGUSTING)
Sour gummy(taste like gummy)
Burger ring(couldn't really taste)
Dry marshmallow(it was dry)
Gummy bear(i could taste it)
Pear(couldn't taste it when i pinched my nose)
dairy milk Chocolate(i actually couldn't taste it
Lemon Rind(AAAAAA)

Is there a difference between blocked and unblocked nose taste?
Why?  yes there is because the smell of the 

Did the sweet, bitter, salt, tastes react on different parts of your tongue?

Thursday, October 28, 2021

Gymnastics blog term 4

 Hello this is a blog about what i have learned in gymnastics

When i first did gymnastics i was gonna think it was gonna be bad but as i got to do it more often it was pretty easy the first thing i learned was on the mini tramp i did a straight jump first it was really easy i also learned to do a tuck jump and a jump half turn.

 The next thing i learned was on the big trampoline i only learned a front drop on it.I didn't learn anything on the parallel bars because i suck at it.

Same as the floor i really didn't get to do much but i got one thing done a forward roll very basic but i am still proud of it.

My next thing i accomplished was on the beam i did a blind walk it took a little bit but i still did it not gonna lie it was pretty scary doing it.

And the last thing i learned was on the horizontal bar i did a front roll on the bar it hurt my abdomen but it was worth it because i learned it.

I didn't give up and in the end it was really fun that just shows that the more you practice the better you get thank you for listening to my blog and i hope you have a good day goodbye!.

also here is my gym sheet :here

My gym sheet is about what i could do and learn the green highlight is what i learned and the ticks that have no green is what i have already known it has all the stuff you need to know on how i did.

Thursday, October 21, 2021

Hot Chilli


I want to find out how to cool down your tongue after heating a hot chilli.




  • Hot Chilli sauce
  • Popsicle stick
  • Drinks-Soda,Water,Milk
  • Timer
  1. Get your equipment ready.
  2. Get a drop of hot sauce on your popsicle stick or a scoop.
  3. Lick the Hot Chilli sauce.
  4. (optional)Swirl the Hot Chilli sauce around your mouth if you are brave enough.
  5. Start the timer.
  6. After two minuts,drink your drink and swirl it around.
  7. After five minutes,rate how hot your mouth is.
  8. Repeat but with a different drink.

  • The first chilli was a ten 
  • The Second time.I had the water after the chilli after 4 min i scored it a 10 for burning because i think the water actually spreaded around.

  • the third time.I had coke and it actually helped i give it a 5 for burning i think because of the carbonation
  • The fourth.I had milk and it really helped i rate it a three because the milk has fat in it and the fat in the milk dissolves the spices.

Why does chilli burn your mouth: because chilli contains something called capsaicin it is a chemical in the chilli it burns your tongue because capsaicin comes in contact with your pain receptors.

What is a Scoville unit?
A Scoville unit measures how much pure capsaicin is in the pepper or sauce.

Why does milk help with chilli?
Milk helps with chilli because the fat in the milk dissolves the spices on your taste buds.

Hands on fire.


I want to find out how to light my hands on fire safely



  • Lighter
  • Water
  • Gas
  • Tray
  • Hose
  • liquid
  • safety glasses
  1. Get equipment ready
  2. Fill tray with water
  3. Put liquid soap on the tray
  4. Gently mix
  5. Connect the hose to the gas tap
  6. Turn gas on and make bubbles of gas 
  7. Wear safety glasses
  8. Wet your hands and arms with water
  9. Scoop the bubbles with too hands not to deep and not to high just in the middle
  10. Take two steps forward
  11. Hold the bubbles as far away from your face as you can
  12. Light the bubbles on fire
Dont panic and slowly open your hands (because if you panic you might start a fire)

I saw a mushroom cloud
I heard a big whoosh
I smelt burning hair and oil
I felt heat all over my hands and my brain was amazed!

Kiwi facts Uncle Don.

Ki ora here are some awesome facts about kiwi.

 A Kiwi is a brown spherical bird with a long beak and nostrils at the end of its nose. It has tiny wings but cant fly. It also has feathers that look like fur and whiskers just like a Cat and can live up to 25-50 years. It weighs 0.8 1.9 kg and female kiwis usually weigh more.

It is an endangered animal because it can’t defend itself very well.

 It has three main predators Stoats,Cats and Deer; their eggs only have a 5% chance of living because of their predators.

Kiwis are mostly nocturnal and hunt in the night. They are omnivores which means they eat meat and plants. Their favourite food is worms just like most birds.

Well I hope you liked it I previously made a poster here take a look

Monday, October 18, 2021

Henri Rousseau

 Kio ra today we will be learning about Henri Rousseau

The Dream by Rousseau Painting by Henri Rousseau

This painting from Henri Rousseau is one of the most famous paintings he made it was made in 1910 which was made 111 years ago it is a oil painting.

1.None has ever told him he is talented.

2.Henri loves nature that is why his backgrounds of paintings are filled with nature.

3.He is in poverty so he could never do anything too expensive like go on trips or buy prints.

4.He made a painting called dream.

5.Piccaso has made a banquet for Henri.

Sadly Henri didnt become famous till he was old so he had some time to live in fame but he didnt have much time.

Well thank you for looking at the blog i hope you have an amazing day and goodbye!

Thursday, September 30, 2021

River facts

 Hi guys welcome back to my blog today i am going to talk about NZ rivers hope you enjoy!.

This took me a lil bit to make so i would appreciate if you could comment on this.

Well that's all thank you for looking at my blog and i wish you a good day.

Thursday, September 23, 2021


Hey guys this is my blog about wetlands in Te ao Whanui I have learned alot of things i have also made a DLO about it i hope you enjoy!

Please comment on my blog and i hope you enjoy!.

Thursday, September 16, 2021



this is my octopi facts post

Monday, August 9, 2021

Verb and adverb blog

 Hello guys i'm going to talk to you about my verb and adverb sheets we had to do them online and it was fun i'll show you a picture of all of them.

They were all very easy it took me like 5 minutes to finish them all or maybe even less!.

Verb 1 

Verb 2 

Well thank you for looking at my blog

Friday, August 6, 2021

Circle ancient olympic facts

Hello I am Raphael and i am here to talk about my circle olympics chart 


Well thats all have a good day

Monday, August 2, 2021

NZ map

Today in Wananga we labeled places in NZ

population of some places 

  • Christchurch : 381,500
  • Wellington: 212,700
  • All of south island: 1.038 mil
  • All of North island: 3.896 mil
Facts about our oceans

  • The Pacific ocean is the biggest ocean in the world.
  • There is alot of storms in the Tasman sea
  • The South pacific covers up 30% of Earth's surface.
And that's all, have a good day.

Friday, July 9, 2021

Mentos and Coke


I want to learn what happens when you put Mentos in Coke.



I want to learn what happens when you put Mentos in Coke.




  • Coke,Coke no sugar, sprite
  • Mint mentos
  • Detergent
  • Beakers
  • Safety glasses
  • Measuring cylindar

  1. Get your Equipment
  2. Put on your safety glasses 
  3. Get your measuring cylindar 
  4. pour 30 ml of coke into the measuring cylindar
  5. Grab your beaker and detergent
  6. Add 10 ml of detergent
  7. Grab mentos and put the mentos in the coke/detergent
  8. do this three times with the coke/coke no sugar/sprite
Coke,It was 30 ml now its up to 56 ml

Coke no sugar it was 30 ml now it is 65 ml

Sprite, It was 30ml now it is 73 ml
this was the result


Reason why all the bubbles come up
when the mentos sinks in the coke the mentos makes makes the production faster and more carbon dioxide kicks in and if you look in a microscope there are acually little microscopic bumps and makes the mentos breaks easier and makes it more dense thats why when it is crushed up there is less of a production.

Tuesday, July 6, 2021

Shape up / geometry

 Kio ra today i am going to be talking about my Hurumanu 3 Shaping up There are alot of options to pick from but i am only going to pick my top three best subjects of shaping up


Nets was probably my favourite one Because you had to choose what 3d shape it was.It was really easy for me and i enjoyed it alot my favourite part of it was this activity where you had to choose what was the right net to make a 3d shape.

Reflection was a really easy but pretty enjoying subject we had to tell wich was a rotation a translation and a reflection translation is just a slide rotation turning reflection is just looking at a mirror overall a fun and simple topic.


This was probably the hardest one for me but it wasnt that hard the only obstacle i went through was the NZ scale the NZ scale was a little difficult for me but there is nothing i cant handle and another thing i did was the maps the maps were just directions on where to go we had to finish 6 maps (excluding the AWS map worksheet).

Thank you for looking at my blog i wish you a wonderful day!.

Friday, June 25, 2021

Skittle Colours


I want to find out what happens when you put skittles in water.



  • Skittles 8x
  • Warm water
  • Petri dish
  • Beaker
  • paper towel

  1. .Get your equipment
  2. Put the skittles into the Petri dish
  3. Spread them around the sides
  4. Clean beaker.
  5. Gently pour the water into the middle of the Petri dish so that is is half full
  6. Observe what happens
Results:The colours took off on the skittles when the warm water striked it i think that the colours went out it couldnt go anywhere else but the middle so then it started reaching the middle wich made this awesome effect 

Skittles Experiment - Candy Science for Kids
Why did the colour move the way it did?:
The warm water made the sugar and colouring to dissolve through the water,the reason it didnt mix was because of the water stratisfication

Thursday, June 24, 2021

how to be normal

 Did I understand?

1.Charley bumped into Michaela.

2. She likes to relax.

3.  Charley is a girl that doesnt like anyone helping or trying to help her and she doesn't like to stand out in a crowd.

4. I think charley was angry at amy because she doesnt like attention, she is a big introvert

5. She is nervous,mad,relaxed

Exploring language

1.Screeches:a high shrill cry:someone always screeches in the room

2.Apologize:someone regretting something they did: someone sayed to go apologize to me

3.Intently:someone wanting eager attention:he gazed at her intently

1.they’re: michaela and trinity they’re characters in the book

2.there:there is a lemon tree at the corner of the sports field

3.their :charley tried to rule a book but their page ripped off

True or false speed challenge

Wont work cant do

I think that you gave this article to us from outstanders because charlie was being herself.

All in order the adjectives: old,less,wierd,patience,smiling

Tuesday, June 15, 2021

global warming sheet

 this is my global warming sheet

Friday, June 11, 2021

Edible Slime


I want to find out how to make edible slime.


  1. Marshmallows big ones (maybe about 3-4)
  2. Microwave
  3. Something to stir with (a spoon or maybe a whisk
  4. a bowl
  5. Cornstarch
  6. vegetable oil

  1. grab bowl and put marshmallows in them.
  2. put in microwave for about 30 seconds
  3. put 2 teaspoons of vege oil
  4. stir it for 3-5 min
  5. once you finished that add 2 teaspoons of cornstarch then mix
  6. touch it to see if its not sticky if it is sticky add a little bit more of cornstarch(add one more teaspoon)

Tuesday, June 8, 2021

Samoan phrases

Hello last week was Samoa week so im gonna dedicate Samoa week by showing you basic samoa words!.
  1. Talofa means = hello
  2. Ua mai oe? means = How are you?
  3. Leai means = no
  4. Fa'afetai means = Thank you 
  5. Ioe means = yes
  6. Soia means = Stop!
  7. Tofa means = bye
  8. Manuia Fa'afetai means = Good, Thank you
  9. Manuia le aso means = Good day
Thank you for reading my blog and i wish you a good day!dwsiua

Friday, June 4, 2021

Gummy bear Osmosis


I want to find out what happens when gummy bears are put in liquids.



  • Salt water (Sodium Chloride)
  • Normal water 
  • Sugar water (Sucrose)
  • Gummy bears
  • Two Petri dishes
  • Marker pen
  • Electronic Scale

  1. Get your equipment
  2. Wear safety glasses
  3. Using a marker pen,write your name and conditions and the weight of the gummy bear
Do the experiment 

Dry GummySugar GummyWater gummySalty gummy
Initial weight(g)0.0820.0780.0820.077
Final weight(g)2.392.945.814.09
The water gummy gained most weight because the water has smaller sugar molecules so then they can pass through the gummy bear easier while sugar molecules are bigger so they cant pass through as much as the water.

Monday, May 31, 2021

Reflection of art

 Hey guys what i'm gonna talk about is my art stay tuned if you wanna know more!

My first type of art was flip books it was pretty hard because i had to be precise but in the end it did really good, it was about a stick man getting hit by a car and going in the air and exploding.

this is my stick man flip book as you see there and you can see me and my photo bomber friend Heath he is eating a pear.

my next project was three scenariochoices you can pick the first one was an alien 

the next genre was aqua genre it was based underwater and you had to talk about fishes and the god Posiedon there isnt much to talk about.

the last one is about superheroes you have to write a story about them.

Character development we made clay monsters the first thing we had to make was a four legged or two legged monster then we had to make minions.

Thursday, May 27, 2021

Kate Sheppard


 Where was Kate Sheppard born

Liverpool, United Kingdom

Why is Kate Sheppard on the $10 bill?

Cause she was a prominent leader to give women the vote in New Zealand.

What does WCTU stand for? :it stands for Woman's Christian Temperance Union.

What are three actions that Kate sheapard did for the women's right quest?

1.She continued working at home for the womens rights movement

2.She became president of the National council of women of new zealand

3.She also became an editor of The White Ribbon

Which of these statements about the text are true?

1.Kate sheppard was born in 1847. Answer: true

2.Australia was the first country to allow women to vote.Answer:false

3.Nearly 32,000 signatures were collected in Sheppard’s petition.Answer:true

4.Kate Sheppard’s image is on the NZ $20 note.Answer:false


Hello today we are gonna talk about protests like Women's suffrage and Parihaka. The first we are gonna talk about is the Women's suffrage,

Women's suffrage

 Women's suffrage about a protest where women from NZ couldn't vote a woman named Kate Sheppard stepped in and made the protest the protest almost lasted for a century and in 18 of August 1920 the protest ended with the women winning so then women were allowed to vote.


In 5 of November 1881 1600 troops invaded Western Taranaki Settlement of Parihaka but when they entered children gave the troops bread about 500 loafs of bread for peace but after the invasion the leaders of Parihaka were arrested and prisoners were released.

Thank you for listening to my talk about protests have a good day.